For sports fans of a certain age, Humboldt Lacrosse’s Logan Salcuni might remind them of a legendary story about Tim Brown, the 1987 winner of the Heisman Trophy from Notre Dame.

Brown was listed as “flanker” on the roster for the Fighting Irish, but in reality, he also played tailback and wide receiver while also returning kicks and punts.
In a famous Sports Illustrated article, his high school coach shared that Brown also took snaps at quarterback, fullback, cornerback and safety if needed.
“If Tim Brown didn’t get on the bus, I didn’t get on the bus,” his coach said — which is probably exactly how Salcuni’s coaches and teammates felt during his playing days.
Previously a two-time all-conference defenseman, Logan Salcuni switched to midfield as a senior and had a season for the ages. By year’s end, he led Humboldt in goals, ground balls, points per game and overall scoring, while also being the team’s leading face-off man and named yet again to the all-conference team, but this time as a short stick.
What are you up to now?
Since 2019, I have worked for a non-profit located in Trinity County specializing in natural resource management and land stewardship. I work directly under Dillon Sheedy (@dsheedy50), a former captain, teammate and goalie at Humboldt.

How did you end up at Humboldt and joining the team?
During my junior year of high school, I visited colleges in Washington and Oregon but knew from the moment I drove under the HSU exit sign, I had found where I wanted to go. Originally, I wasn’t planning on playing a sport in college. It was through an email from Tony Silvaggio that I found out about the club. It should be no surprise that, of course, I had brought my stick to school thinking maybe I’d meet a new friend to throw around with. To my great surprise, there was a whole club lacrosse organization already here!
What’s your favorite lacrosse moment at Humboldt?
My senior year, at our last home game, after the defense made a great stop and cleared the ball ahead of the attack ride, my brother (@liamfrancis_95) pushed the ball up and assisted me on an awesome goal. It was the first time I scored with an assist from my brother.
Do you ever get a chance to get back to Humboldt County at all? What places would you go to visit or where would you go to eat/drink?
I still live up here! Living in Eureka now. My work requires me to be away from home during the week but on the weekends, I return to Humboldt. I gotta say @madriverbrews is in my top 10 as well as @arcatapizzaanddeli and @paulslivefromnewyork.
What does lacrosse mean to you?
Lacrosse means discipline, structure, organization, fun, and when put together it feels like art.
What would you tell someone if they were thinking about going to Humboldt?
It’s an incredible place to experience college and an even better place to play lacrosse.