Freshman middie Logan Sorenson has shown us a lot in his short time with the team and exposed us to some things we haven’t seen before. Hopefully, his idea of what makes a successful lacrosse season comes true very soon.

Name: Logan Sorenson
Year: Freshman
Major: Kinesiology
Position: Midfield
Hometown: Hemet
High School: Hemet
Did you play in high school? Four years
What are your main motivations for playing lacrosse?
I would have to say my main motivation for playing lacrosse is the brotherhood that forms as the season goes on. I would also say the physical aspect of the game and scoring goals and winning games.
What would a successful season of lacrosse be for you?
A successful season for me would be to win games, make goals, and take some ankles in the process.
What do you like to do in your free time?
In my free time I like to go to the gym, participate in outdoor reaction activities, and hang out with the boys.
Favorite Food
Favorite Movie/TV show
Duck Dynasty
Favorite Book
I do not read/have one
If you could have lunch with any person alive or dead, who would it be and why?
Paul Rabil. He is the greatest lacrosse player in the world
What do you most enjoy about lacrosse?
Winning games