Player spotlight: Senior longpole Seth Velasco

Despite the tough-guy answers, anybody who likes carne asada fries is OK in our book… 🥍🪓 (@tpolamalu, u know any good Mexican food places?)

Seth Velasco defends during game against UC Santa Cruz

Name: Seth Velasco
Year: Senior
Major: Leadership Studies
Position: Midfield
Hometown: San Diego
High School: Olympian
Did you play in high school? Two years (Go @ohs_boyslacrosse Eagles! 🦅🥍)

What do you like to do in your free time?
Lacrosse and woodworking

What are your main motivations for playing lacrosse?
Cracking skulls

What would a successful season of lacrosse be for you?
Getting some big hits

What do you most enjoy about lacrosse?
I enjoy the physicality of the game.

Favorite Food
Carne asada fries

Favorite Movie/TV show
Quiet Man

Favorite Book
I don’t read books

If you could have lunch with any person alive or dead, who would it be and why?
I would have lunch with Troy Polamalu